Action Plan

 Action Plan

I have forged an action plan through an excel document in-order to accurately present the order and duration of tasks the production team will undergo for the film. To make sure this graph is a good presentation of tasks to do for selected weeks, I split the tasks into 2 types, highlighted as Sequential and Parallel: Sequential meaning it happens by itself and requires nothing else to process at the same time. Parallel meaning the opposite, it is processed at the same time as another task. For example, the lighting will be parallel to the shooting, same goes for copyright to music/sounds and props used. Doing this will have a huge impact on the production of the film, it will allow the production to be much more organised and more easily documented through the production log, as they are aware of the process of which what tasks will be done and when. Moreover, if any unfortunate incidents occur and cause some tasks to be delayed or revamped, this graph will allow the production team to easily identify what other tasks this will impact in the process and allow them to make further changes in order to meet needs.


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